Hello Barber-ians,
I just realized that I haven't done anything for Christmas in July. I've decided to rectify that. The price for The Harrowing has been reduced from $4.99 to $2.99 for a limited time! Get yours today! Tell all your friends! This sale won't last forever! Please leave me honest reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. That's all for now, guys.
Thanks for stopping by Barber-ians and, as always, keep reading!
A little about me

- Kenneth W. Barber
- I am a husband and a father and writing is my passion. Check out www.kennethwbarber.com for up to date info about me and to purchase copies of my work.
Hello Barber-ians,
Now you can order an autographed copy of The Harrowing! While supplies last, of course. Simply visit my website at http://www.kennethwbarber.com/ click on the link near the bottom of the main page and enter your paypal payment and shipping address, as well as how you would like your book signed. That's it! Easy as pie, right? And for only $13.99 (shipping included). Hurry and order your copy now.
Thanks for stopping by Barber-ians and, as always, keep reading!
Hello Barber-ians,
Check out this blog from a writer friend of mine. See what you think.
Thanks for stopping by Barber-ians and, as always, keep reading!
Hello Barber-ians,
Free download weekend for The Harrowing has begun. If you have a Kindle and want to read the Harrowing on it, it's free today and tomorrow only! This is in honor of the paperback release of The Harrowing. The links for both are on my website at http://www.kennethwbarber.com/. Enjoy and please leave an Amazon review when you finish!
Thanks for stopping by Barber-ians and, as always, keep reading
Hello Barber-ians,
My debut novel The Harrowing is now available for purchase in trade paperback for only $10.99! Order your copy today from the link below. It will be available on Amazon.com in paperback within the week, but it's available now through the Create Space e-store. Thanks for all your support and check out my Facebook author page for more news and upcoming events.
Thanks for stopping by Barber-ians and, as always, keep reading!
Hello Barber-ians,
In honor of the impending release of The Harrowing in paperback, available on Amazon.com, Create Space and on order from your local bookseller, I am listing the E-book version of The Harrowing on exclusive for Kindle. Nook readers never fear, the Nook version will be available again as soon as the Kindle exclusive has run it's course. As an added incentive, The Harrowing will be free to download fro the entire day of Saturday July 13. Keep a check on your kindle and snag your free e-book. But if, like so many readers, you prefer a real, live book then in just a few more days you will be able to purchase your trade paperback copy of The Harrowing for only $10.99 from Amazon.com or visit my website at http://www.kennethwbarber.com and click the purchase links.
Thanks, Barber-ians. Stop back by soon for info on my upcoming book signing and, as always, keep reading!
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WIN A COPY OF OH BOY! To win an autographed copy ofOH BOY, YOU’RE HAVING A GIRL, simply leave a comment on this post or any of the posts related to the “How I Got OH BOY Published” series. I will pick five random winners at the end of June. Deadline is June 30, 2013.
For another chance to win,CLICK TO TWEET this and post to Twitter. #OhBoy
1. Writing a book is hard.
don’t write a book because it’s extremely hard. Forcing yourself to sit down, brainstorm, write, edit, rewrite, edit, cut, add, rewrite, workshop, rewrite
and rewrite some more until you’ve got somewhere between 50,000 and
100,000 words is grueling work. Most can’t do it. When you’re one of the
few who can, it really makes you feel good about yourself—an important
quality in a true badass.
2. Editing is painful.
3. Knowing when you are “finished” is impossible.
faith and have confidence in his or her work. It’s not easy to do, which is
why it’s a form a badass-ery.
4. Cold-querying agents is scary.
5. Rejection is everywhere (and yet you still carry on).
6. Getting paid for your work is harder than ever.
7. Accomplishing a dream is rare—and awesome.
you need to write your novel in just three months.
Pick up 90 Days to Your Novel today!
Check out my humor book, Oh Boy, You’re Having a Girl.
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I’m Bill Massis.
When your goal is to be able to work online and earn a decent income, do not be afraid to make sacrifices to be able to work to wards and achieve this goal. If required go for a lesser salary job and do not worry about it. Just keep working towards your goal until you succeed.
Undeadly Spring
Alas Sisyphus
By day I am the founder and CEO of a volunteer organization for individuals who have brothers and sisters with disabilities. By night I am writer extraordinaire.
Pennsylvania Sibling Support Network
Seriously, Brian, thanks for the encouragement!
Alas Sisyphus
Author of Dodging Machetes
The badassedness of we, the faithful, is so often overlooked. We are the sloggers. The buttcrack of dawn squinters. The pallid night-owls. We put butts in the seats and we roll on, when so many others quit to go enjoy fresh air and sunshine. (Which I think–I THINK– is that big yellow ball in the sky.)
Kudos to you for giving it back!
*righteous fist pump*
Online Editor